Alexey Litvinov (1983—2001) — composer, writer.
Michel Shibanov — songwriter, actor, producer.
Andrey Serov — composer, Yuzshnouralsk.
Natali Salnic — teacher, sound engineer, singer.
Kristina Vihrova — Winner of Inter-Regional Competition "Art-platform"/1997 /; diploma at the First Pan-Russian Competition of Performers /Ekaterinburg, 2003/.
Flura Vafina — author-perfomer.
Yuly Evsikova — teacher, musicologist.
Anna Serova — diploma at International Competition of young composers /S-Peterburg, 2003/.
Elena Polyudova — winner at the Pan-Russian Competition of Performers "Moscow - Kishtim- tranzit" /2003/.
Nguen Manh Zuy Linh - composer (Vietnam)
Alexey Litvinov /in Russian/
Nguen Manh Zuy Linh
Andrey Serov /in Russian/
Kristina Vikhrova
Press. D.Chistjakov. " The Composer - the free person ". " The Open newspaper ". 23.01.2003. /in Russian/